Thursday, 11 May 2017

Linking the course to my practice

Recently I have been mentoring and shadowing a new adjudicator. I have attended sixteen out of eighteen full length plays.

I supplied him with the information with regards to festival guidelines and the strict marking criteria along with general information and some of my experiences.

This is all I gave him.

It is very important for an adjudicator to develop their own process as they need to be able to justify their grading. This reminded me of a previous conversation on the course when we talk about taking "ownership" of our work.

I also felt this related to my BAPP course in another way. Even though we are all being guided through, ultimately the journey is ours. Only we know what we have learnt and how we will apply it to our current and future practice.

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Skye with Adesola

Last night I joined in with a Skype session with Adesola, Victoria, Lois- May and Megan. The three students are all on a different module and after introducing ourselves we discussed feedback on our Critical Reflection/Review.

The common denominator in our feedback was that we must not presume the reader knows what we are writing about and that a strong structure aids a good "flow" and makes more comprehensive reading.

They discussed their Critical Review, Artifacts and Oral Presentation. Although I am aware this is what I will be doing in the future I asked if they could all tell me succinctly (in one sentence) what this had encompassed.

The key words used were summary, sharing, insights, presenting information and that it could be regarded as a "celebration" of their work.

When asked what I felt would aid a presentation I suggested watching others presentations and not only those in our chosen field, If someone can keep our attention by presenting something we know little about and  help us to see something from a more informed perspective they have achieved their brief.

I wondered if people personalities will shine through an oral presentation as is the case with blogs and what we need to do whilst arguing similar points to make our work stand out and not be "samey".
We were asked what quality we thought was important in our professional practice and I believe honesty should be the framework of our professional and personal lives. Team work and a good connection with others was also suggested.

We also discussed their inquiries with subjects covering ethics and vulnerability in the work place. Adesola suggested asking the Liberians for their help concerning copy rights and other issues. I have done this and have found them to be very helpful.

So the points I have taken away from this Skype are that whatever Module we are taking the student concerns and thoughts are much the same, I mentioned in one of my blogs that the professional language used in our careers make us feel we are connected and part of something and I noticed a broader use of this terminology last night.