In our Skpe session with Adesola, Amber, Harry, Sophie and Sianne discussed Module 3 and Adesola invited us to discuss words from the Glossary that needed further clarification in relation to our professional practice.
Amber confirmed we need to "do it:" and don't just "research". Amber is a dance teacher in a primary school. This is not a discipline that I know much about but I was very interested in her Inquiry into how 'dancing can aid children both mentally and physically.' When discussing "Artefacts" she added lessons plans to her list. Amber discussed "language' which is something I discussed in Module 1, a few years ago ( I had to interrupt studies). Language/terminology can make us 'feel part of something', as if we 'belong.' It also makes us sound more knowledgable/professional in our subject. The language will be universal, relatable.
Harry, is an actor ( I loved the fact that he said I am an actor and a musical theatre performer second) discussed his inquiry into nutrition. Not just nutrition as in food but also the 'mental nutrition' we need as actors. I am very interested to read his Inquiry and his findings. He discussed last time that he was reviewing his data and tonight he made me realise I need to push forward with mine.
When I spoke to Adesola she confirmed that we need to do the questionaries/surveys/interviews (whatever we have chosen sooner rather than later.) I made me realise, that yes the literature review is important but what we LEARN from our Inquiry is more important and we can keep reading literature after we have asked the questions forever more. This is others people's data - not ours. Yes, it helps us decide our Inquiry is relevant and what have we learnt, what other questions we want to know the answers to and what have we discovered from this - and what has it has"opened up".
I don't know any professional - be them a University Lecturer, a theatrical director, actor, dancer etc. that will say that they have stopped "learning". We need to show what we have learnt, what we are still researching and why is why we are doing this. There is "no definite question and no definite answer."
Sianne (ballet dancer) discussed her Inquiry into teaching methods and "how different theories and teaching affect students. "Although, I am not a dancer I also find this relevant to my Professional Practice ( I am a Director/Drama Adjudicator and Drama Practitioner). Learning about different theories enables us to proceed or question if something is right for us in our practice.
Sophie (ballet dancer) Inquiry discussed 'how context changes the way we dance.' She discussed how her feedback has helped her and moved her through her Inquiry. Something we should all remember, read back and review. When discussing Artefacts she included pointe shoes and how costumes are so important to a character ( I thought about back stories to actors development of a character). She also discussed whether teaching syllabus can be "artefacts".
Adesola explained there is "no point explaining what you have done if other people don't relate to it:
Triangulation - (Harry describes this as responding and discussing). Adesola said it was a "perfect answer. Harry, if you read this please let me know what the third thing you said was - I didn't hear due to poor reception of Skype. Thanks.
Aretfact - an object/thing or historical or cultural interest
Discourse - speak or write with authority on a subject
Ethonology - human character, study of behaviour
I had read Twyla Tharp's book "The Creative Habit _learn it and use it for life" (on reading list) and there is an section of artefacts ( putting things that you think relate and inspire into a physical box) and this is something I do when I decide to direct a play. I recommended this book. I am not a dancer but appreciate the discipline/talent involved. She made her process so relatable to an actor and her readers generally.
I so enjoyed the Skype session with Adesola and the Module 3 students. What makes this so exciting is there fact that we are industry professionals - all the conversation are based on on experience and not just the expectation. I have learnt so much already.
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