Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Skpe with Adesola, Lauren and Henry - Now listen very carefully ...

Once again I had a problem with my microphone and was only able to listen and type on the Skype

call with Adesola, Lauren and Henry from Module 2.

As Lauren and Henry both work in dance and Henry has started teaching they had a lot in common

and were running ideas by each other. Lauren discussed different teaching styles and Henry talked

about teaching young children and adults discussing how we can adapt teaching for different skill sets

and audiences and what teaching methods would be relevant.  Music and dance as a

means of therapy for some children and the subsequent health benefits of participation and

exercise was one of the subjects covered.

We agreed that we need to step away and look at things from a different perspective to widen

our knowledge and to continue looking through different lenses.

Adesola reminded us that the Professional Inquiry is not a dissertation that will have taken three years

but is a tool by which we research, question, analyse and evaluate with the aim of becoming more 

knowledgeable in our practice by researching literature and  theories thereby raising questions

of our own.

Ethics and authenticity are themes that are re-occurring in all aspect of our practice and it is

necessary to understand what this means to us as individuals and what are responsibilities are.

I typed that -

"we need to ask questions that we do not already know the answer to or have a strong opinion on so

that we can learn new theories and ideas and not just confirm old ones that we are comfortable with".

We need to challenge ourselves and others.

When discussing literature Adesola stated that we do not have to complete the tasks chronologically

and that we should return to them more than once and see if our opinions have changed when we

are better informed.

Because many of the students are involved in musical theatre and dance I have started to read

more literature on this subject as their ideas although very similar to acting principles do focus

more on health and mental well being and I think this two aspects should also be considered

more in stage work.

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